Self evaluation tool (for the teacher)

Blogs can be used by Teachers for Self Evaluation by asking students or other participants (second party) to photograph, video, or simply recount how the teacher conducted their class.

mmmmmm :)
 I am the second party who observed Diane's class.

for example, did Diane teach the criteria or cover the practical knowledge to be acquired by the students?   The photo below reflects notes I had highlighted during class which I interpreted as important. Diane can review my interpretation of the lecture at the beginning of her class on this blog and conclude whether or not she properly covered the targeted practical knowledge in her handout.
 Other examples:
Groups divided up by a card game

Power point Presentation

Diane had made a checklist for support of learning
Diane could ask me to reflect on points she made during her teaching Creams, Fillings and Toppings.
Specifically the points students were to follow on the checklist.

Highlighted items in the checklist or evaluation tool are pictured or videoed below because Diane did a good job and covered them.

 A Short resume of the evening
The checklist was followed and Diane often reminded us to do so

Throughout the evening, the blogger could photo or video the teacher and document how often the checklist or evaluation tool was referenced.


And Students were asked to check their assessment tool or checklist.

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Crème Brulée

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